OLA MEXICANA . Jewels inspired by Mexico.

Cassandra Goad created her new OLA MEXICANA collection inspired by her travels to Mexico. Designs inspired by the food, flora and fauna of Mexico.

Feet, what do I need them for if I have wings to fly...

Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo was the inspiration behind Cassandra's new pendant. The Frida pendant absorbs Mexico's colour and wraps up the Mexican love of food, family and fiesta in one design.

The design echoes a basket rich with jewels. It was Lupe (Marin) who showed Frida (Kahlo) how to take lunch to Diego (Rivera) in a basket in the same way Mexican campesinos take their husband's lunch to them in the fields.

Cassandra's filled her basket with different stones and some glisten with diamond edges.

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